Rent Stopper

Stop Paying Rent!

Are you paying rent and would love to have your own home but can’t ever find the deposit and pay rent as well?

Are you a first home buyer? Do you live in Dubbo NSW?

Now is the time to call me and find out the possibilities.

You may be eligible for a $10,000 State Government Grant.


$10,000 Government Grant!
Only $100 Holding Deposit

I can get you registered so you don’t miss out.

New Upcoming Homes Available in Dubbo NSW

Call me for a no obligation chat that could say Good Bye to your Landlord.

Let me show you the possibilities of home ownership. How much dead rent are you paying?

(Limited Stock, terms and conditions apply)

Paying rent and can't escape the
rental treadmill?

Short on deposit due to rent/car payments/loans, etc makes it hard to save but the rent keeps going each week.

Because so many tenants give up, they believe rent is just another overhead and accept rent, food, electricity, cars, etc, as a way of life.

I feel that if you're good enough to pay rent year after year, you should be entitled to a chance of home ownership.

Today's way of home purchase is ruled by limited time and unless you have a deposit, there is not enough time to save as vendors want their money quickly.

I have a new home provider that may give you that time you need.

25 Years Experience In Helping First Home Buyers.
Call Mannie On
0408 581 400

Call Mannie On
0408 581 400



First Home Buyers

You Receive $10,000 Government Grant If You Are A First Home Buyer - You're Half Way There!

Mannie Psaltis (25 Years Experience In Helping First Home Buyers).

Stop Paying Rent

Remember, Average Rent Is Around $25,000 PLUS With Nothing To Show For It Each Year.

Over Five Years, You Could Have Paid $125,000 DEAD RENT.

Contact Us

Call Mannie
Phone: 0408 581 400